Environmental Solutions

PLEASE Project

ISP Environmental Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd. – Installing the state-of-the-art ECO Bricks facility in Lahore, Punjab. This innovative facility is designed to process plastic waste into green construction material ECO Bricks, following a rigorous process of plastic waste sorting, segregation, shredding, mixing with cement, sand and fly ash. By implementing these advanced techniques we can transform discarded low grade plastic into valuable construction material including tough tiles, bricks, curbside stones etc. ISP Environmental Solution (Pvt.) Ltd. will further install Pakistan’s first reverse vending machines operated with innovative app to transform the supply chain of plastic waste in Pakistan and use the collected plastic in the ECO Brick Production. ISP Envronmental Solutions is committed to combacting plastic pollution in South Asia and is a key participant in the Plastic Free Rivers and Seas initiative (PLEASE Project). Through our collaboration with SACEP, UNOPS, and the World Bank, we are responsible for creating a sustainable solution to the plastic waste crisis. Our project aims to divert significant amounts of plastic waste from landfills, promote a circular economy, and foster environmental conservation.

Environmental & Social Management Plan (PLEASE Project)